

»Bassin«, »Paradies«, »Tiffany«, »Cowboy«, 2005/2007, Digitalprints, 130 x 110 cm
Trancemoderne_Zwinger Galerie, Berlin 2007

Abb.: Jens Ziehe

»Trancemoderne« Birgit Schlieps' photographic works are a reflection on the hallucinogenic impact of the simultaneous occurrence of different universes. Under conditions of capitalism, the modern ist constructions originating from the seemingly absurd foundation of a new town by the Caspian Sea in the middle of the Kazakh steppe are transformed by random additions and superstructures to become part of an altered, phantasmagorically sad townscape. Ostensibly the modernist utopia of an enlightened society persists. The entire space, however, is being regenerated in accordance with the remnants of the old world, devoid of any utopia about an egalitarian share in accommodation, consumer goods and a social service infrastructure. The history of the town has been govemed by its anarchie residents, a potent mix of Kazakh nomads, Soviet era pioneers, and new-style Kazakhs. Their collective - and in an almost Wild West manner - pioneering spirit was the prerequisite tor the success of the new urban settlement in the Kazakh desert, and It now finds direct expression in the redeveloped townscape. (Press release, translation: Jörg von Stein)

Describtion of the installation: Three different time layers are presented by photographic means, all of them produced and placed sculpturally in different ways in the gallery space. There is a rasterized wallpaper, framed analogue photo prints and poster c-prints. The rasterized wallpaper is extending virtually the actual gallery space by the image of the foyer of a cultural center in a modernist style.